We think the same way. It's like our brains have their own waves linked to each other, like we are born to be friends forever. We have almost the same dreams and views in life. We keep on inspiring and encouraging each other when the other one is feeling down. We love traveling, taking pictures, eating, and reading books together.
All people don't think in the same way. There may be some common thinking but people vary in details. Sometimes people may even think in opposite directions. That's why opinions differ from person to person. No two person has exactly the same thinking on all issues.
come to an agreement
come up with similar ideas
feel the same way
feel the way
great minds
great minds run in the same channel
great minds run in the same gutters
great minds think alike
have a similar way of thinking
have the same idea
have the same opinion
have the same thought
have the same way of thinking
like minded
make the same choice
same way
say the same thing at the same time
see eye to eye
think alike
think that way
think the same
think the same thing