First Lady Captain brought a Ship at ALANG | #ShippingInbox | #Alang | #Shipbreaking | #Ship
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Today we are going to talk about the first ever lady captain who brought a ship to Alang Ship Recycling yard.
The Alang Shipbreaking Yard was established in 1983, and during the 38 years of existence 8351 ships have arrived here for demolition, but this is the first time a female captain has arrived with a ship.
A 25553 MT oil tanker ship Sally Kuntsen, which was beached at Plot No. 63 of Alang Shipbreaking Yard on the night of September 9th, 2021, has been brought by Swedish woman Captain Sophia Lundmark. Sophia is one of the rare lady captains to be found on the ship.
Sophiya revealed that "I have been involved in shipping for the last 22 years, but I have never felt the current like the Gulf Cambey anywhere in the world
It is also dangerous to anchor a ship here and lift it again. 24 hours surveillance is required from the ship's bridge room. "I was a little confused when the ship arrived in Alang," she said.
Sofia Lundmark has deep experience in loading and unloading ships in her career so far, but it was her first experience of beaching a ship. She said it would have been impossible without the help of local shore pilot PurvajitSinh Sarvaiya, who was skilled in his work and was constantly guiding the ship in matters including speed, direction, current and had a definite direction of what he was doing to bring the ship ashore. He is a fairly professional shore captain.
Sophia added that only 2% of the world's ships have a lady captain, although women are now moving to become captains. In her opinion, to be a captain of a ship, you need to be strong in mind and heart. One should be able to ignore what people say. The crew members on board the ship live like a small society, having to stay in the water for months. Yet a sailor loves the waves rising in the ocean.
Lets listen What Captain Sofiya has opined in her words.
We hope you have enjoyed this video. Thank you for watching the innovative story till the end. Will meet you in the next video with an interesting subject. Till then stay tune with Shipping Inbox and Stay Safe.
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