Don't be Misguided by Cryptocurrency Advertisement | MLM Scam | Anand Srinivasan

Don't be Misguided by Cryptocurrency Advertisement | MLM Scam | Anand Srinivasan

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In this Video, Mr.Anand Srinivasan speaks about the new developments in Cryptocurrency regulations in India, The various impacts Crypto Market makes in Macro economy of India, as RBI steps out from this issue and says, Until there is a proper regulatory laws for executed in India, No one will be responsible for the economical impacts due to Crypto Transactions. India doesn't have any regulations for cryptocurrencies. We have seen some steps in that direction but, anything concrete is yet to come. For now, the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) has set up a formal board, Blockchain and Crypto Assets Council (BACC) to oversee the implementation of a self-regulatory code of conduct for member crypto exchanges. The crypto platforms want to play the wait and watch game when it comes to the regulations or a new crypto bill.

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